Your dog growls? Of course! Its a call to action
"They (the dog) have no right, if a visitor comes to the house, to even bark once or growl once...That means they feel it's their t

Destructive Chewing
Prevention is always better than the cure. But sometimes life gets in the way and before you know it, your dog has chewed up your friday und

Babies and Dogs
Expanding the family unit to include a baby is no small decision in itself, it would appear that bringing a baby into a home with a dog is a

Belyayevs Silver Foxes
In this post we will be looking at some of the physiological changes of a specific Silver Fox population during a Soviet Taming program,...
The Predatory Sequence...and how to exploit it
This sequence is still relevant to our dogs now as it is a primal state of being for them. By establishing a social connection with...

Functional Obedience - Sit
This is the absolute fundamental starting point for any type of training! In this video you will see how Koda, an Alaskan Malamute, get...

Functional Obedience - Wrong
How can we change our dogs behaviour or course of action without physically stepping in ourselves nor punishing (making the behaviour...

Functional Obedience - Good
This episode will see us add to our communication library so that we can continue to report to our dogs in a timely fashion how they are...

Functional Obedience - No
If you have not yet looked at Functional Obedience - Yes, I suggest you look at that first. First let us define punishment. Punishment...

The Power to Devour - Life Skills
Welcome back!!! Building on the lessons of the previous weeks, we will look at how to make sure that our dogs are safe out, even in bait...