The Power to Devour - Life Skills
Welcome back!!! Building on the lessons of the previous weeks, we will look at how to make sure that our dogs are safe out, even in bait...
The Power to Devour - Treats and Baits
You’re doing amazing! To have hung in there for this long, you really are dedicated to your dog’s well-being. Congratulations! This...
The Power to Devour - Absolutes
Your still hanging in there! That’s awesome, glad your back! This week we will look at some absolutes, we will look at some undeniably...
The Power to Devour - Pros and Cons
Welcome back to the second installment of this Barefoot Paws series on how to best feed your dog. This episode will see us comparing the...
The power to devour
In this Blog series we will look into the complicated world of nutrition, as it relates to your dog. We will go into some detail, but not...